Nov 10, 2017 | Rob Hawthorne | 738 views
Midget AA Ice Kats support "Share the Warmth"
The Midget AA Ice Kats hockey team feel very strongly that representing Peterborough as an Ice Kat hockey player means more than just being a good player, a good teammate. It also means being a caring, contributing community member! As a team activity, we are supporting this year’s “Share the Warmth” community initiative, which is being coordinated by Jen Freymond, a former Peterborough Ice Kat herself.
As we head into another harsh Canadian winter, many in our Community do not have proper clothing to guard against the cold weather - children and adults included! We are helping by going through our storage boxes and closets and finding items that we can donate. (New and used Coats, Scarves, Hats/Toques, Gloves/Mitts, Snow Pants, blankets, new socks)
The official drive takes place in December, but the Midget AA Ice Kats are going to play a key role in kick-starting this year’s campaign by collecting all donated items at our scheduled practice on Friday, November 24th.
Items will be brought to the Evinrude and turned in before practice.
All donated items will be distributed in the Peterborough area.
We are working together to help those in need stay warm this winter!