Aug 20, 2016 | Rose Powers | 925 views
The Sr. A team is looking to continue moving forward from last years successes. It was a growing year for this team as it was the first time in a long time that we played in the LLFHL.
We are excited about the upcoming season! Again we will register in the LLFHL Sr. A division. This consists of 11 Home Games, 11 Away Games and a Championship Weekend.
Practices and tournaments will be decided by the team after tryouts are completed.
Tryouts are:
Thursday Sept. 15 9:15 - 10:15pm @ Evinrude
Monday Sept. 19 9:15 - 10:15pm @ Kinsmen
Please follow the steps on the Main Page to register before the Sept. 15 tryout date. Credit cards are accepted for payment!!
If you have any questions please contact Rose Powers [email protected]
Looking forward to seeing you out there in Sept!!!