City Of Peterborough Arena Entry and Staging Update, News (Peterborough Girls Hockey Association)

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Dec 03, 2020 | Melissa Murray | 643 views
City Of Peterborough Arena Entry and Staging Update
The following is being provided as an update to all User Group Organization Representatives and COVID Committee Members – please communicate this information back to your organizations and groups.

  1. The City has reviewed options for all three arenas to provide an indoor waiting or “staging” area prior to being permitted access to arena change rooms as we shift into colder weather. Peterborough Public Health has reviewed our revised entry plans which ensure that no groups cross paths with this additional entry into the facility and that any incoming group has adequate space for physical distancing of all individuals (participants, spectators, team officials). All users are still required to come prepared to get ready within the 10 mins provided prior to ice time, waiting in vehicles during any inclement weather until screening and/or immediately prior to when entry is permitted.

Please see all Arena Procedure Documents for the Evinrude, Kinsmen and PMC with designated waiting area spaces (highlighted in yellow) for groups, an update Facility Safety Guideline will be provided in the coming days. As a summary, please see below details on changes from existing plans:

  • Groups would now be permitted into the facility 20 minutes prior to their rental time and doors will remain open for 10 minutes only for controlled entry.
  • The waiting areas are not to be used as change-room spaces and will be monitored by staffPhysical barriers to control this will include stanchions and signage will be posted to indicate general rules/protocols while in this space.
  • Groups will continue to have access only to their assigned pad and rooms 10 mins prior to permitted ice time and will not cross paths with other users still in the facility
  • While using waiting areas, all individuals are to wear a face covering at all times and they also must maintain physical distancing from all individuals with the exception of their child/parent.
  • This protocol will be consistent at each location. The only exception being the PMC as there is no staging area for the West Dressing rooms access, facility access for this entrance would still be as outlined above.
  • Please also note the Kinsmen PGHA exit will now be directly from the pad exit and not the main entrance area. On site signage and directional controls will be changed to indicate this.

This change will take effect beginning onMonday December 7that all locations. Please ensure that you communicate this update with all of your members to ensure they understand these changes.

  1. City staff have now also developed required Covid-19 Safety Plans in accordance with Provincial Guidelines as the City of Peterborough has moved in Yellow “Protect” zone. These plans combined with our previously created plans, guidelines and procedures for both staff and the public outline our efforts to provide details and information to all individuals accessing our facilities in compliance with Ontario’s Covid-19 Response Framework and O. Reg 364/20. As a summary- please see attached “snapshot” from the Arenas safety plan, which is a summary of more detailed information included in the plan in addition to our Facility Safety Guidelines and site-specific Entry/Exit plans you have received. As we continue to monitor and update any parts of this plan with the guidance and direction of Peterborough Public Health, we will continue to keep you all updated on any changes.  

We appreciate all your continued cooperation in working with us to ensure we provide safe and available environments for coaches, spectators, and participants. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Thank you and stay safe.  
