Tryout Procedures and Schedule, News (Peterborough Girls Hockey Association)

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Sep 02, 2021 | Melissa Murray | 2079 views
Tryout Procedures and Schedule
Welcome to the PGHA Tryout Information Page

Please read the information below carefully to ensure that you have the right dates and times for tryouts.

As of Sept 7th, all arenas in the City of Peterborough are limited to 30 participants on the ice (including instructors), the format of tryouts this year is slightly different than what normally would take place. When participants registered for tryouts, they were asked what level(s) they plan to tryout for. This information was used to build tryout groups for each age division and level.

All those that selected AA on their tryout registration will receive an email with their designated groups (A or B) for the first night of tryouts. These groupings will be used for the 1st night of tryouts where we have more than the 30 participants trying out for a particular level. The groupings may also apply to 2nd and 3rd tryouts, but you will receive these details from the coach in an email to follow your first night of tryouts.

Please find the level below that you REGISTERED to tryout for and click on the link for schedule and any other pertinent information.

Tryouts will begin with AA and progress accordingly, all groupings will be emailed directly for first skates.  The schedule for all levels of tryouts is posted under the “Tryout Information” tab on the website as well as linked in this post.

Development Skates


Development Skates

Development Skates


Development Skates


Team 1 Tryouts








U11 AA


U13 AA


U15 AA


U18 AA



Team 2 Tryouts




U11 A/BB



U13 A


U15 A


U18 A/BB


Team 3 Tryouts




U11 B



U13 BB


U15 BB


U18 B



Team 4 Tryouts






U13 B



U15 B






  • Please check-in at the tryout registration desk 30 minutes prior to all tryouts.
  • You will receive a pinnie that MUST be returned after EVERY tryout.
  • Two spectators are permitted per participant.
  • Do not attend any ice session, if you have any COVID-19 symptoms.
  • You must complete the COVID Screening for every single ice time and present the screening on your phone at the check-in desk.
  • The COVID Screening can be found at this link and under the COVID 19 tab on the website
  • The COVID-19 Screening is mandatory for all participants and spectators. No exceptions will be made.
  • All participants must have their own water bottle with their name clearly marked on it. Please fill it at home.
  • Please be ready to enter 15 minutes before your scheduled ice time.
  • Arena staff will take participants and spectators into the facility promptly 10-15 minutes before each scheduled start time.
  • If you are late, you will not be permitted to enter the facility. Dressing rooms are permitted following the facility guidelines.
  • Participants must be dressed in their equipment prior to entering the facility.
  • Participants can put their skates, helmets and gloves on inside the facility.
  • Participants must exit the facility within 10 minutes of an ice time ending.
  • If a participant cannot get their equipment off within the allotted 10 minutes, we ask that you remove only your skates and remove the remainder of your equipment outside the facility.
