2020-2021 Season updates - Be ready to go By September 8th!, News (Peterborough Girls Hockey Association)

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Sep 03, 2020 | Stacey Moore | 2524 views
2020-2021 Season updates - Be ready to go By September 8th!
Great news, the PGHA return to play program has been approved by the OWHA and we will begin the 2020-2021 season as of September 8th! 

We know these are different times and that Hockey won't quite look the same as it did last year, but we have an amazing program put together for the girls and we are really excited to get things rolling! 

There will be different PROTOCOLS and GUIDELINES that we all have to RESPECT and follow, but when we are open to having patience and understanding of the protocols, it will allow us to continue to run our programs and for the kids to skate. 

Please note, if you have not already registered in our system with the intent to play in the 2020-2021 season at this point previously, there is a wait list for our programming. 


The PGHA Competitive program (previously known as rep) will begin as of September 8th
and will run until late March.

As per OWHA requirements, we will begin the program with Skill development sessions, and then 4 on 4 games will follow once this phase in the return to play guidelines is complete. The competitive program will be tiered according to age and skill level.


Each player will be assigned to a Tier, and communication will be forthcoming about that grouping. Players in the Tier will then be assigned a team to be rostered for practices and then will also be divided into smaller teams for 4 on 4 game play within the overall Tier. 

Players will have practices and games each week in Peterborough and surrounding arenas.


Please see the breakdown of fees in the table below and note the fee structure will cover the following:
- Ice time
- OWHA fees and insurance 
- referees
- timekeepers
- socks
- practice jersey for 4 on 4 game play 
- an ice kats mask or gator 






Our competitive program will be broken down into Tiers.

· These Tiers will also be known as “bubbles” from a health guide standard.

· These Tiers will practice and play against each other.

· Tiers will not intermingle with other Tiers.

· Each Tier can have a maximum of 50 players in it.

· Each player will have a practice team consisting of approximately 17 players and a 4 vs 4 team consisting of 8-10 players.


Will be a 1-hour time slot, where there would be 50 minutes of usable ice for a socially distanced practice similar to practices of previous years. Several previously used drills such as compete/battle drills will not be permitted until health regulations permit.


They will all be 50 minutes in duration, they will consist of a 5-minutewarm-up followed by 4 on 4 hockey.

There will be refs and timekeepers at the appropriate age levels to keep score, call penalties and maintain order on the ice.

The playing rules will be released by the OWHA in the near future and we will follow these guidelines.




· U11

· U13

· U15

· U18

· Intermediate



· 2 practices per week

· 1 game per week

· There may be weeks where you have more practices or less practices, depending on our ice allocation

$1500 for the season (no additional fees) 
$375 to be paid upfront
Installments of $375 can be made on a monthly basis due on the 30th of each month and all fees to be submitted by November 30th. 


The PGHA RECREATIONAL program (previously known as House League) will begin OCTOBER 13th and will run until mid March. 

Please stay tuned to the website and facebook page for possible skills sessions to be run in advance of the start of the Recreational program. 


Players will be grouped by age in teams for practices and 4 on 4 game play. 

Players will have practices and games each week in Peterborough and surrounding arenas. 


Please see the breakdown of fees in the table below and note the fee structure will cover the following:
- Ice time
- OWHA fees and insurance 
- referees
- timekeepers
- socks
- practice jersey for 4 on 4 game play 
- an ice kats mask or gator 






Our recreational program will be broken down into divisions.

· These divisions will also be known as “bubbles” from a health guide standard.

· Divisions will practice and play against each other.

· Each Division can have a maximum of 50 players in it.

· Each player will be assigned to a 4 on 4 team. They will practice with this team and play games with this team

Will be a 1-hour time slot, where there would be 50 minutes of usable ice for a socially distanced practice similar to practices of previous years. Several previously used drills such as compete/battle drills will not be permitted until health regulations permit.


They will all be 50 mins in duration, they will consist of a 5-minute warm-up followed by 4 on 4 hockey.

There will be refs and timekeepers at the appropriate age levels to keep score, call penalties and maintain order on the ice.

The playing rules will be released by the OWHA in the near future and we will follow these guidelines.




· U5/U6/U7

· U8/U9

· U11

· U13

· U15

· U18


· 2 ice times per week

· 1 game and 1 shared practice in those allocated icetimes

$575 for the season - $375 to be paid at time of registration and $200 to be paid by October 30th.  

What happens if the season shut down due to COVID related issues?

Depending on the severity of the stoppage, length of time, how far we are into our season, you could be eligible for a prorated refund based on us doing a financial breakdown and determining what expenses could be recovered and those that couldn't.   As an example, uniforms, fees due to the OWHA and insurance are paid up front.  Ice and a variety of other expenses could be reclaimed or simply not be charged at that point in time.  This would indicate what level of refund could be issued.

Next Steps:

The PGHA will be sending an email to all registrants in the next 24hrs and with it will be your daughters grouping for the Tier she will participate in.  You must complete your first payment by September 5th to secure your spot. 

Thanks for your patience and understanding as we all GROW through these different times together. We are really excited to see all of the girls back on the rink and to be pursuing their passion for the game of Hockey! 

Stacey Moore 
PGHA President on behalf of the PGHA Executive  
