Pete's Bursary Winner, News (Peterborough Girls Hockey Association)

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Jun 13, 2020 | Stacey Moore | 782 views
Pete's Bursary Winner
Each year the Pete's organization has donated a bursary to a deserving player in the PGHA U18AA age group with a 500$ Bursary to a graduating student towards their education. This year our coaching staff selected Madeline O'Neil Hawthorne.

I am proud to announce that Madeline O'Neil Hawthorne is our chosen player to receive the Pete's 2020 Scholastic Bursary.

Madeline has been an ice Kat her whole minor hockey career and with her hard work, dedication and personality was a great teammate, coachable player and leader.

She improved every year and gave everything she had in practices and games to not only lead by example but with her passion off ice as well.

It has been my pleasure to be able to coach Madeline and wish her all the best in her next adventures.


Coach Roche

Congrats Madeline from the PGHA as well!