Annual General Meeting, News (Peterborough Girls Hockey Association)

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Mar 12, 2020 | Melissa Murray | 543 views
Annual General Meeting
The PGHA Annual General Meeting will be held on May 28th, 6:30 pm at the Kinsman Arena in the boardroom.

The PGHA is accepting nominations for the following executive positions:

1st VP - OWHA Rep (Voted)

3rd VP - House League Rep (Voted)

Referee-in-Chief (Appointed)

LLFHL Liaison (Appointed)

House League Convenor (Appointed)

Tournament Director (Appointed)

Equipment Convenor (Appointed)

Sponsorship Convenor (Appointed)

Website Administrator (Appointed)

Ice Scheduler (Appointed)

Trainer Director (Appointed)

Nominations can be submitted by completing the following nomination form CLICK HERE

Nominations can also be made in person at the PGHA Annual General Meeting.

To be nominated, the nominee must:
Agree to the Nomination
Have nominator and seconder

For a complete list of position descriptions, voting and eligibility requirements, please review our PGHA Constitution & Bi-Laws and PGHA Policies & Procedures

Nominees will be voted on at the Annual General Meeting.

