Jun 11, 2016 | WM | 882 views
Atom House League Registration
Atom house league registration is now open.
This year the Atom house league will play an interlocking schedule with Lindsay, Cobourg and Ennismore. Novice players will not be playing with the Atom's this year as the PGHA is offering a Tyke/Novice Development division.
Atom players will be on the ice a minimum of 30 times in Peterborough. Atom teams will have more practice time for the upcoming season.
Registration for the Atom division is $350. In addition to 30 Peterborough games/practices, players will play additional games against Lindsay and Ennismore. Also included this year is entry into 36 Annual Peterborough Ice Kats Tournament December 2-4, 2016.
Also new for this year, timekeepers will be supplied for each game. Parents will not be required to perform this function this year.
Based on interest, the PGHA may offer an Atom Development Stream Team. A DS team is similar to a roster select team in boys hockey. DS teams can play exhibition games and tournaments and will have extra practices. DS team will be an additional cost to your house league fees. More information will follow.
House league registration goes up $60 after September 20.