Jun 14, 2021 | Stacey Moore | 833 views
Announcement of the 2021-2022 Executive Board
Thanks to everyone who joined us on our Virtual AGM.
We appreciate everyone showing up and everyone who stepped up to help within the organization.
We couldn't run our programs without the help of ALL of the volunteers within our programs.
The following is the PGHA Executive Board for 2021-2022:
President - Stacey Moore
1st VP OWHA Rep - Laura Merrick
2nd VP Coach Development - Todd Rogers
3rd VP Player Development - Darryll Hancock
4th VP House League - Sheila Greco
Treasurer - Janice Medhurst
Registrar - Melissa Murray
Secretary - Krista Noonan
Head Trainer - Carrie Clark
Ice Scheduler - Laura Merrick
Website Administrator - Melissa Murray
LLFHL Rep - Patrick Sweeney
Referee in Chief - Jeff Chartier
Equipment Manager - Sarah Tanner
Sponsorship - Shauna Mann
Tournament Director - Andrea Fisher
Jr House League Convenor - Beth Johnson