An Update as we move into the Red Zone, News (Peterborough Girls Hockey Association)

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Mar 05, 2021 | Stacey Moore | 1092 views
An Update as we move into the Red Zone
Hello Ice Kat Families, 

I am sure you have all heard by now that our health unit will now move into the Red Zone and this will have implications on our program moving forward. 

We want you to know that we are working on some changes and amendments to our program and more information will be forthcoming in the next couple of days. Please check back into the website and facebook page for communication. 

This weekend will be the LAST WEEKEND of 4 on 4 games and Full team practices with only 10 players permitted on the ice as of Monday.  

Here are the updates for arena protocol from the City of Peterborough. 

Below are changes coming into effect on Monday, March 8 for City arena facilities- including additional items being implemented by the City: 


• Training sessions for members of a sports team that do not include games or scrimmages are permitted. 

• Capacity limits, where physical distancing of 2m can be maintained is limited to 10 for indoor classes, including hockey teams. NOTE: for community centres and multi-purpose facilities the capacity limits apply in respect of each room that is physically separated from other rooms in the facility I.e max 10 per ice pad)

• The limit of 10 people applies to members of the public participating in classes, organized programs or organized activities, not the employees, coaches, officials, trainers, spectators or accompanying parents/guardians. Maximum number of coaches/instructors will be limited to 2.

• No spectators are permitted to be in the facility and waiting areas will no longer be permitted in the city of Peterborough - (1 guardian is allowed for players under 18 in Millbrook).

 Access to facilities will now be granted 10 mins prior to permitted time- exit 10 mins following permitted time,  

• Activities that might bring individuals within 2 metres of each other must not be practiced or played in the facility

Thanks for all of your support and understanding as we all grow through these challenging times. We appreciate it and will do our best to manage the ever changing landscape. 

Your PGHA Board 
